Upper Extremity Prosthetics
Get more natural-looking, functional upper limb than you thought possible!
Prosthetic Arms and Hands Specialists
Dynamic, Mobile, and Myoelectric Arms and Hands
If you have a unilateral or bilateral arm or hand amputation, you may think you’ve lost a majority of your function. You may still think of prosthetics as plastic arms with little purpose other than to fill out a shirt and avoid attention.
Today’s upper extremity prosthetics have moved far from that old stereotype. They are more functional, dynamic, and natural than ever.
As you look to maximize your productivity and regain your active life, you deserve a provider that is a leader in fitting state-of-the-art upper extremity prosthetics.
The comfort and function you dream of regaining are here, just a phone call away.
Passive Arm Prostheses
Amputees who value the appearance of their prosthesis rather than its functionality are well advised to obtain a passive arm prosthesis.

Active Prosthesis
The i-limb prosthetic hand is designed for those who want more from their prosthesis.
With the i-limb, your prosthesis looks and moves like a natural hand. Motorized digits allow the hand to bend at the joints of each digit and individual stall out technology gives the hand a compliant grip so that the hand accurately conforms around the shape of the object being grasped.
Utilizing its pulsing and vari-grip features, the i-limb allows the user to increase the strength of their grip around an object. This can be very useful in situations where a firmer grasp is required, such as tying shoelaces tightly or opening a tightly closed jar of food.
Proper Fitting of Your Prosthetic For Your Ultimate Comfort
The biggest problem that amputees have with upper extremity prosthetics is that they can be poorly fitted. This makes them uncomfortable, hard to use, and dramatically limits your ability to live an active life.
Choosing a provider like G.R.E. O&P that gives the utmost attention to the fitting process, maximizes your comfort and your function. You deserve a comprehensive screening and assessment, with ongoing one-on-one support and adjustments over time.
Our mission is to help you return to active living while providing long-term support for your prosthetic as well as resources for your emotional and functional needs.
My prosthetic arm has enabled me to get back to being productive in my construction work. That has made all the difference!
You Can Live a Full, Productive Life with Prosthetics
Technology is continually improving the field of prosthetics. Living a full and active lifestyle is easier than it's ever been.
With the proper fit, excellent long-term support, and follow-ups you can more successfully live the life you want.
Get your life back and feel whole again with upper extremity prosthetics from G.R.E. O&P!
13376 Ravenna Road
Chardon, OH 44024
8401 Mentor Ave
Suite C, Mentor OH 44060
DJ's Patient Testimonial: A Letter to GRE
JOHN GRAVINO – Patient Advocate and Amputee DJ and her parents chose GRE despite the 4+ hour tr