As Myomo's brace designer we are the most experienced MyoPro™ provider.
Regain upper limb movement and reclaim daily living activities with MyoPro™
Your Preferred MyoPro™ Orthosis Provider in Cleveland
G.R.E. O&P is a 'Center of Excellence' for Myomo, and the only 'COE' in the State of Ohio!
If you have neuromuscular damage in your arms or hands, you may have given up on regaining movement.
If you can't use your arm, you may be an appropriate candidate to regain function in your arm.
What is MyoPro™
It is a portable, lightweight functional arm brace that restores movement to a weakened arm as a result of neuromuscular damage. The product has built-in non-invasive myoelectric sensing in a customized, wearable brace that enables a person to initiate and control their own arm motion.
The custom arm brace does not use electrical stimulation but instead relies on the user’s own muscle signal to move their arm. The MyoPro™ can be used as an assistive Orthosis for performing daily living activities in the home and facilitating functional repetitive task practice.

How Does MyoPro™ Work?
The sensors inside the MyoPro™ detect weak muscle signals. A myoelectric signal is then sent to the processor which will power the hand and elbow motors to assist with moving the arm.
Essentially, the device detects your intent to move and amplifies your muscles’ ability to perform the desired motion. This gives you access to a variety of activities of daily living that you may have thought were gone forever!
Our Team of MyoPro™ Experts are Passionate About Getting You Back to Daily Living!
If you’ve been frustrated at your loss of ability to do simple daily tasks - like opening a car door, driving, or eating - it’s time to get your freedom back.
Let us work with you to get the perfect fit with this proven device so that you can be excited to use both arms again.
I cannot thank you enough. My 4 year old saw my arm move with the MyoPro™ on and was literally jumping up and down screaming "it's moving mommy you're getting better!!!!" And my 3 yr old was jumping and said "can u dwibe?" (drive?) My whole family is happy and hopeful, so thank you!
MyoPro™ Mission
Our mission is to improve mobility and restore independence for individuals who suffer from debilitating muscle weakness due to conditions such as stroke and other neuro-muscular conditions. The MyoPro™ is an upper extremity Myoelectric Limb Orthosis designed to enable individuals to self-initiate and control movement of a partially paralyzed arm using their own muscle signals.
Regain Your Independence
MyoPro™ has the potential to improve function that many people with upper extremity paralysis are lacking.
We invite you to do your research. Learn more about your options. Let our team of experts help.
You've got nothing to lose, and only freedom, flexibility and better performance to gain.
13376 Ravenna Road
Chardon, OH 44024
8401 Mentor Ave
Suite C, Mentor OH 44060
DJ's Patient Testimonial: A Letter to GRE
JOHN GRAVINO – Patient Advocate and Amputee DJ and her parents chose GRE despite the 4+ hour tr