G.R.E. Specializes in Lower Extremity Bracing
G.R.E. O&P offers bracing and support solutions that fit your unique needs. We strive to increase your mobility, decrease your rehabilitation time and empower your potential.
Personalized Service Tailored to Your Specific Needs
You deserve a provider who gives personalized service and provides true attention to detail. Our fittings are more comprehensive than most patients have ever experienced, and that results in a fit that’s second to none.
AFO's (Ankle Foot Orthosis)
An Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) increases stability, patient safety, and mobility. AFOs are indicated for a variety of medical conditions including muscular dystrophy, stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and more. AFO's are either custom made to provide a more detailed and accurate fit or prefabricated when a lightweight brace is necessary or the limb shape does not require as much detail.

Custom Plastic AFO
These AFOs can incorporate ankle joints or be left solid. This AFO is designed around the patient’s needs which might include: Severe OA (Osteoarthritis), PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction), severe pronation/supination, severe valgus/varus deformity, foot drop, moderate to severe ankle instability, etc. This type of AFO is very versatile to perfectly match the specific patient’s needs. This AFO is custom made for each and every patient from a cast mold and can be made in a variety of different colors and closure options. An AFO like this would require proper shoewear which includes enough width and depth to allow the brace to be worn in the shoe.

Pre-Fabricated Carbon Fiber AFO
These AFOs are the lightest-weight and thinnest braces used in the industry that are not OTC (Over-The-Counter). These AFOs are designed for foot drop and/or mild to moderate ankle instability. These are quickly sized and fit to standard shaped/size limbs. An AFO like this would require proper shoewear which includes enough width and depth to allow the brace to be worn in the shoe, however takes up less room than the traditional plastic AFO due to the nature of the thin carbon fiber.

Leather Gauntlet AFO
For patients that have PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction), Chronic Achilles Tendonitis, Moderate to Severe pronation or pes planus, DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease), etc. This AFO is custom made for each and every patient from a cast mold and can be made in a variety of different colors and closure options. An AFO like this would require proper shoewear which includes enough width and depth to allow the brace to be worn in the shoe.

Pediatric AFO's
Your child’s orthotic journey is an important one. At GRE, we team up with the family, pediatrician, and physical therapists, to develop a specialized approach that helps meet each child’s long- and short-term goals. All are custom made and fit for the child to accommodate all of their needs. These are very versatile to incorporate special joints or straps as needed. At GRE, we work with a variety of technologically advanced, custom-made devices. Our highly qualified practitioners incorporate these devices into a care plan that lets the children we treat live full and active lives.

Next Generation AFO's
With the continuation of technology and advancements in bracing, there are greater possibilities of fitting patients with braces that were not possible a short time ago. This includes incorporating new special components, materials, and joints to braces that can make all the difference for patients. Although these are not as common as other bracing options, they are available for the right patient with specific needs.

C.R.O.W. Boot
(Charcot Restraint Orthotic Walker) combines and ankle/foot orthosis and a custom boot to aide in the treatment of Charcot deformity and/or lower extremity ulceration. It is recommended for Charcot foot and offers complete subtalar immobilization and plantar surface offloading. This is designed to reduce plantar surface pressure by providing uniform compression to the lower leg and utilizing a rocker bottom sole. This brace is made from detailed measurements and a cast mold.
I appreciated the concern of answering questions with the best advice and their openness to questions that I had. The office was very inviting and warm!
G.R.E. Patient Feedback
Knee Orthosis (KO)
Knee Orthosis (KO) bracing provides protection and support after ligamentous injuries/surgery, as well as for compartmental unloading due to osteoarthritic changes. These braces work to increase stability for patients. Knee braces are either custom made to provide a more detailed and accurate fit or prefabricated when a lightweight brace is necessary or the limb shape does not require as much detail.

Prefabricated KO
Prefabricated KO's are used commonly for short term knee stability or for those more typical limb shapes. They are ordered from measurements and will provide immediate knee joint support.

Ligamentous KO
This KO is designed to support and stabilize the patient’s knee ligaments such as the ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL. Prefabricated KO's are used commonly for short term knee stability or for those more typical limb shapes. They are ordered from measurements and will provide immediate knee joint support. These Knee braces will allow you to move and bend your knee freely and won't limit you from achieving your activities.

Osteoarthritic Unloader KO
These knee braces are designed to offload OA (Osteoarthritis) at the knee. This decreases pain, inflammation, and allows the patient to remain active. This works by adjusting the brace to take pressures off the OA affected area of the knee and redistributes the pressures to the area of the knee where there is no pain or less pain. This can be adjusted day to day depending on the specific patient’s symptoms. These KO’s are generally ordered to fit standard size and shape limbs however can also be made custom for certain patients when needed. These knee braces still allow the patient to move and bend their knee, so these braces are great for most activities.

Locking KO
This knee brace has a special lock at the knee joint to prevent the knee from bending. This type of bracing is designed for patients that have severe pain when their knee bends and/or chronic knee buckling and stability. The lock is engaged and disengaged by the user depending on the position of their knee and the activity that they are performing.

Post-Op ROM KO
This brace is designed to restrict ROM (Range Of Motion) at the knee. This is very useful after surgery at the knee when excessive ROM will cause more damage to the repaired structure. This brace is also designed for the ROM to be adjusted throughout the healing process to allow more ROM as the patient gains more. This is an OTS brace, however is completely custom fit to the patient according to their leg size, shape, and ROM limitations.
GRE has helped me out more than any other provider I've been to with my bracing needs. I recommend anyone that needs orthotic devices to contact the experts at GRE.
KAFO (Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis)
Custom KAFO (Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis) - The KAFO is designed around the patient’s needs and involve a combination of their feet, ankle, and knee. The design and componentry selected is vital in achieving the right fit and function. This type of brace is typically selected for those patients with: stroke, MS, footdrop with knee hyperextension, knee buckling, moderate to severe medial/lateral instability, Severe OA (Osteoarthritis), severe valgus/varus deformity, etc.
The KAFO is very versatile to perfectly match the specific patient’s needs. They are most commonly custom made for each and every patient from a cast mold and can be made in a variety of different colors and closure options. A KAFO would require proper shoewear which includes enough width and depth to allow the brace to be worn in the shoe.

Lightweight KAFO
Proprietary posterior lateral position of the strut with this KAFO design increases patient compliance and energy return for activity re-engagement.

Custom Laminated KAFO
Using advanced modern composite fiber technology to improve outcomes in orthotic science this light weight, durable composite construction KAFO is engineered with unique laminated characteristics to prevent fracture and breakage.

Full-Shell KAFO
Material diversity offers strategic flexibility and stiffness to enhance this KAFO’s performance and the custom profile is designed to maximize patient comfort, functionality and cosmetic finish.

Stance Control KAFO
The FreeWalk KAFO is a lightweight alternative to a traditional knee brace. It switches between a locked and an unlocked knee joint at the appropriate time to help keep you stable. In addition, a more natural motion makes it easy to add a few steps to your day without adding fatigue.

Clam Shell KAFO
This KAFO design is used for those requiring optimal immobilization and stability. The design is typically used to stabilize a fracture and has a foot piece to prevent the brace from migrating. This brace type can be fabricated with a custom design or prefabricated from measurements.

KAFO Components
There are a variety of knee and ankle joints available like this one which allows the user easy locking and unlocking at the knee. Joints can also have springs that will help the user extending or flexing at the knee or assisting to lift the foot to prevent falls.
My braces are very helpful in my everyday life and I'm very happy with them, thanks GRE!
G.R.E. Patient Feedback
Hip Orthosis (HO)
A Hip Orthosis stabilizes the hip and knee and often will integrate down to the foot depending on the level of support or control necessary. Conditions benefiting from this technology include hip dysplasia, hemiplegia/paresis, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and more. Each orthosis is designed specifically to a patient’s anatomy and condition.

Hip Orthosis (HO)
A Hip Orthosis (HO) assists in a patient’s sitting and standing posture during daily activities. It provides firm support and stabilization for non-operable hip disorders, post-operative total hip arthroplasty, congenital hip dysplasia, and anterior or posterior hip dislocation.
It can also stabilize spastic adductors secondary to cerebral palsy or hemiplegia.

Reciprocating Gait Orthosis
The Reciprocating Gait Orthosis (RGO) controls motion in the torso, pelvis, and lower extremities while dynamically linking the legs to the torso to promote a natural gait.
RGOs allow for hands-free standing and energy efficiency. This orthosis is designed for patients who struggle with spinal cord injury, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and cerebral palsy.
13376 Ravenna Road
Chardon, OH 44024
8401 Mentor Ave
Suite C, Mentor OH 44060
DJ's Patient Testimonial: A Letter to GRE
JOHN GRAVINO – Patient Advocate and Amputee DJ and her parents chose GRE despite the 4+ hour tr